[OLPC-devel] GPG and a centralized Contact list

Ivan Krstić krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu
Mon Sep 4 23:47:44 EDT 2006

MBurns wrote:
> First, with regards to the Buddy List/Contacts list, has a unified
> Contact list been considered

Yes, and we'll have one. The exact implementation is still undecided.

> Now, when any application on the Laptop wished to add a buddy (for
> Instant Messaging, lets say), it would become an act of downloading
> that child's vCard. This process could optionally include an exchange
> of public keys(or the entire vCard) from the requesting Buddy.


> With that, the two children will have exchanged contact and encryption
> information. Now, when either of those children are later on a
> wireless mesh network without a central server for authentication,
> they will be able to cryptographically ensure that they are talking to
> the right person. This also has the side benefit of being able to
> encrypt/sign communication between any two 'friendly' laptops.

This is almost exactly my security design for the machines, modulo minor
details. It's how we'll get the emergent PKI based on KCM that I've been

Ivan Krstić <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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