[OLPC-devel] Bugs: the ones I'm unclear about

Jim Gettys jg at laptop.org
Fri Sep 1 07:01:34 EDT 2006


The milestone names don't mean much to me.  I think we need to pull
together a more rational set of names that make sense given the
schedule.  Come chat with Chris and me and we'll figure some out.
                                   - Jim

On Fri, 2006-09-01 at 06:26 -0400, Ivan Krstić wrote:
> Bug #61: rendercheck reports problems with EXA driver
>  -> Jim: priority is currently wishlist. Is this more important?
> Bug #54: Linux sometimes resets the USB key over and over
>  -> closed this, since I believe we added 'noatime' into the builds. if
>     not, someone needs to reopen the bug.
> Bug #56: OLPC should run at 66MHz PCI
>  -> Jim/Mark, please set priority on this, and target it to a
>     milestone.
> Bug #57: Decide on toolchain for compiling LinuxBIOS
>  -> Jim/davidz: please evaluate priority and current milestone
>     target.
> Bug #67: Non-existent i8040 active multiplexing controller detected.
>  -> Jim: please set priority, target to milestone.
> An up-to-date breakdown of open bugs grouped by milestones is always
> available here:
> http://dev.laptop.org/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&group=milestone&order=priority
> The roadmap link in my previous e-mail has a simplified progress indicator.
Jim Gettys
One Laptop Per Child

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