[OLPC-devel] Bugs: notes on filing

Ivan Krstić krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu
Fri Sep 1 06:18:04 EDT 2006

I just triaged all the open bugs, and have a few notes.

== Milestones ==
Please attach a milestone to any new bugs you file, so our Roadmap page
is meaningful:


== Pasting conversations ==
If you're pasting conversations from the mailing list into a bug, please
do it as in the following example from bug 60

'''David Woodhouse:''' Do we also have some attempt at a resume-from-RAM

'''Jim Gettys:''' Not yet; Mitch will work on this right after Cafe'

The triple quotes are bold, and aligning the text as above makes the
bugs look nice.

== Code snippets ==
When you need to paste code snippets or verbatim output from some
command, or for debugging, use this syntax:

code snippet or output

That will preserve full formatting.

== Referring to other bugs ==

To link to another bug, e.g. bug 1, use simply: #1
This works in comments and bug descriptions, and will get auto-linkified
to the bug in question. When that bug gets fixed, the previous link will
automatically have strike-through text on it.

Ivan Krstić <krstic at solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D

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