Open Firmware use on OLPC.

Mitch Bradley wmb at
Fri Oct 13 15:51:07 EDT 2006

> I tried to tear the ofw image apart, and if the "files" were compressed with lzma instead of gzip, it all fits in around 220 kbyte, which means that a LinuxBIOS with ofw could fit into
> any commodety 256k BIOS used in ordenary PC's - so this could
> really be a lifter for LinuxBIOS aswell.


FirmWorks has done many OFW implementations in 256K, even with the 
outstanding compression available with LZMA.

The version of OFW that you are looking at is a fairly "fat" one, 
containing a lot of graphical glop, and an http server, and quite a bit 
of other stuff that could be easily omitted in specific environments.

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