Test B Boards

David Loyall david.loyall at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 15:29:09 EDT 2006


Are there more developers than there are boards?

I would be happy to contribute to the OLPC project, so I have
considered requesting a board.

However, I wouldn't want to snatch a limited resource from the hands
of some other more experienced developer.  My own skill set is
probably smaller than a lot of the volunteers on this list.

Please advise.

--David Loyall
Omaha, Nebraska, USA

On 10/8/06, Jim Gettys <jg at laptop.org> wrote:
> Not many bare boards have been built; we're less than a month from a
> build of 1000 full systems; there will be BTest systems sent to
> developers.
> Jim Gettys

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