[OLPC-devel] Re: wireless/libertas: miscellaneous fixes

Ronald G Minnich rminnich at lanl.gov
Mon Jun 26 21:31:23 EDT 2006

Jordan Crouse wrote:
> On 26/06/06 14:24 -0600, Jordan Crouse wrote:
>>On 26/06/06 13:05 -0600, Ronald G Minnich wrote:
>>>yeah, but this still sounds pretty cool.
>>>Do you have a HOWTO on this for us lazy guys :-)
>>Even better, I have a build system:
> I have now pushed this to a git tree:
> http://dev.laptop.org/git.do?p=users/jcrouse/buildrom;a=summary
> And Ivan helped me fix the kernel tarball problem.  So, you should be 
> able to just type make, and watch the bits fly.  I'm going to be in training
> for a few days, so if you have any comments or suggestions, post them
> here, and I'll get back to you.
> Jordan

no dice.

[rminnich at q buildrom]$ make
Building uclibc...
--19:29:47--  http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.28.tar.bz2
Resolving www.uclibc.org...
Connecting to www.uclibc.org||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1,763,847 (1.7M) [application/x-tar]

1,763,847    156.97K/s    ETA 00:00

19:29:59 (155.36 KB/s) - 
saved [1763847/1763847]

make: *** 
Error 2

I assume it is still complaining as I don't have a /usr/src/linux.


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