[OLPC-devel] Summer of Code progress report: week #4/12

mharriso at student.umass.edu mharriso at student.umass.edu
Mon Jun 26 10:56:08 EDT 2006

eBook External Data Sources

Status update
Added "eBook_Format_Discussion.txt" to the repository, which is a discussion on
the desired features and possible format for the back-end eBook format for the
reader.  The current plan is for my project to download eBooks from various
sources and convert them to this one format, which the reader will then read in.
 It's still undecided which format will be used for this, and everyone is
invited to join the discussion (which will probably be moved to a wiki).

I've also begun creating a blank template.py that all modules should use as a
starting point.  The idea is that each module will have a set of standard
methods that's called by the reader to fetch and read in books.  Soon there will
be another discussion file regarding this design.

I've created a mock-up eBook format using XML in the sandbox/ directory.  This
goes along with the eBook_Format_Discussion.txt file.  XML is my current
favorite format to use for the books.

Next week's plans
More work on the gutenberg module, refinement of the discussions/design docs,
begin searching the ICDL catalog and figuring out how books can be downloaded. 
I may convert the Gutenberg catalog to XML to search it as well.

-Matthew Harrison

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