[OLPC-devel] Summer of Code progress report: week #4/12

ARTHUR WOLF wolf.arthur at gmail.com
Sat Jun 24 21:58:48 EDT 2006

ACDC ( Citizen's Collaborative Annuary )

A non-centralized solution for DNS, DHCP, service declaration and network
information, with web interface, to be used for Mesh networking.

Status update :

I started working in the middle of the mounth ( like most European students
: exams. ) most of the work I did actually was :
* Learning Python, as I never coded in Python before.
* Learning how to deal with XML and Tcp using Python, writing some test
* Making some redisign on the basic idea and on the way to do it. Cleaning
the proctocol.

For the real, palpable code, I started working on the P2P peer deamon, got
something working,  but all other features ( XML, actions, encryption,
integration of the other parts ) are to be added to it.
When I'll have enough on this one, I'll start working on the DHCP and DNS
parts, and then, last, on the Web Interface.

Next week's plans :

I'm working hard for 10 days now, but the Mid-Term evaluation got me
stressed, so, my mentor Aaron said me to work on a demo, a proof of concept,
that will be written in Perl.
I already begun, it will take a approx. a week, after what I'll work full
time on "real" python code, wich is the most important.
More and more details on next sunday.

Courage et Bonne humeur.

jabber:wolf.arthur at gmail.com/GSM:0032495318245
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