[OLPC-devel] Re: Sunday update, etc

Eduardo Silva edsiper at gmail.com
Sun Jun 18 19:31:28 EDT 2006

Hi Everyone:

My name is Eduardo Silva, I'm a SoCer (summer of code/student) and I have
pushed the initial code of Memphis (a new memory usage tool for developers)
on git repository. This code is on a early stage, so I will write to you the
news in order to do tests. If you want, you can get the source code from

 Tree: git://crank.laptop.org/git/projects/soc-memphis
 Web: http://crank.laptop.org/git.do?p=projects/soc-blah

Your input is welcome :)

Best regards!

Eduardo Silva
Valparaiso - Chile

On 6/16/06, Ivan Krstic <krstic at fas.harvard.edu> wrote:
> I'll be traveling for the next week, so I'll be low on time and might
> not answer e-mail until I'm back. Please post an update to devel@ on
> Sunday, and keep these in one thread (reply to the message of whoever
> sent their update first).
> Manu, Eduardo, Eric and Matthew -- you folks now have git trees, so
> please push your code by then and include pointers to your tree in the
> mail you send, e.g. for soc-blah:
> Tree: git://crank.laptop.org/git/projects/soc-blah
> Web: http://crank.laptop.org/git.do?p=projects/soc-blah
> Arthur -- I still don't have your SSH2 key; please send one.
> Erik -- I don't know how you're arranging the code wrangling, but if
> you'd like a place to put your code, let me know.
> Cheers,
> --
> Ivan Krstic <krstic at fas.harvard.edu> | GPG: 0x147C722D
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