Progress report on RAM and CPU of OLPC (Re: [OLPC-devel] do we need s/o to make .swf plug-in for olpc browser?)

John R. jhoger at
Wed Jul 26 10:21:56 EDT 2006

On 7/27/06, supat at <supat at> wrote:

> It took me very long time to make NXserver to work to test my hypothesis.
> And now the strange feature is server run gdm while client run kdm :(
> BY using this method, anything server can have capability will send to
> OLPC w/o need huge CPU and RAM.

Cool, but, most flash movies are run from within the browser.

I think you're going to need to have a plugin of some sort, and a web
proxy to rewrite links.

BTW, is there going to be network accessible, beefy server accessible
to all clients in all OLPC deployments? We're going to need a web
proxy, I think. For example, if the browser uses a lot of RAM one way
to reduce it would be to turn off cacheing of images, or only have a
real small one and let a nearby web proxy cache everything else. All
images will be loaded every time, but they wouldn't have to be dragged
in from the Internet.

I wonder if there's such a thing as a decentralized web cache? If
nearby laptops are largely browsing the same sites they might be able
to share their cache stores between them (OLPCA broadcast to other
OLPCs: do you have a copy of the resource at URL:xyz? OLPCB (awake and
browsing says) Yes, here it is...)

-- John.

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