[OLPC-devel] suggested requirement for new kernels and initrds: must boot under qemu and/or kexec as kernel and initrd before release as a stream

Ronald G Minnich rminnich at lanl.gov
Tue Jul 4 18:04:31 EDT 2006

Marcelo Tosatti wrote:

> Are you using serial console? Otherwise CONFIG_VGA_NOPROBE makes the
> console not work. Can we disable that for now and use VGA console?

no, the real problem I am having is that I can not do this simple thing:

qemu -kernel olpc-kernel -initrd olpc-initrd

and have it boot.

The other stuff is an annoyance but i can live with it.


p.s. I'm messing with using initramfs instead of initrd. It has its 
broken bits, and you can drive your kernel build tree into a corner 
(i.e. render it unbuildable in different ways, with different weird make 
errors) but modulo that, it seems quite nice -- you get one file, a 
bzImage, not two, a bzimage and initrd. Is there any reason NOT to just 
go with an initramfs-based boot approach for OLPC?

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