Please, test ALPHACity Brazil

Khaled Hassounah khaled at
Tue Dec 12 16:12:43 EST 2006

The "activity" is pretty impressive, and the possibilities are very
interesting. This is the best balance of game play and learning that I
have seen so far.

Furthermore, think of the possibilities expanded when children start
creating their own virtual spaces (cities?) and linking them to each
other's. Or using it to map their village and placing their historical,
geographical, biological (etc.) knowledge and findings in it.

How more exciting would it be if the teacher tells the children to go
search for something specific in a world she created, and how much
interesting paths to knowledge they will stumble upon while they are
"playing". I could go on forever.

I believe AlphaCity to be of great interest to the wider community.
Please keep the discussion as open as possible. I for one am very
intrigued by it.

Thanks for a wonderful implementation, I hope I get the time to build on
it soon.

Mauro Carvalho Chehab wrote:
> Btw. I think this would be better discussed at Brasil at

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