[OLPC-devel] Thoughts on S3 resume.

Chris Ball cjb at mrao.cam.ac.uk
Thu Aug 10 16:58:52 EDT 2006

>> On Thu, 10 Aug 2006 09:53:30, Jim Gettys <jg at laptop.org> said:

   > One other thing I immediately note beyond your catch of IDE
   > is vesafb.  You should switch over to using the gx frame buffer
   > driver.

Will do.

   > There isn't any way to get timestamps each line of the log, is
   > there?  That would tell us lots about where time is going.

Yes, that's what CONFIG_PRINTK_TIME does.  Here's a log with that
enabled (and with the IDE driver unloaded).  The delay is happening
before the first ("Back to C!") kernel message, with the rest of the
resume being fairly expedient:

- 120ms: report BUG()
- 10ms: "Finishing wakeup" (driver resumption)
- 30ms: Restarting tasks, thawing cpus

If we can lose the twenty-second delay and most of the time spent in the
BUG() path, things are looking very good indeed.  First things first,
though; I'll look at debugging wakeup.S, since we spend time there
before the kernel messages.  Matthew, any thoughts?

- Chris.

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Chris Ball   <cjb at mrao.cam.ac.uk>    <http://blog.printf.net/>

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