<span class="status-body"><span class="entry-content">Hi Everyone,<br><br>Re-tweeting this twit RT @OLPC ...This is long, but interesting. A guy teaching in Africa blogs his experience using the OLPC... <br><br><a href="http://jessemcv.blogspot.com/2009/06/laptops-and-appropriate-technology.html">http://jessemcv.blogspot.com/2009/06/laptops-and-appropriate-technology.html</a><br>
<br>Let me share the part that I concur on....<br><br></span></span>"I still believe the basics: food, water, health, and shelter need to
come first. I am still skeptical of projects like OLPC. However, I also
realize that the lifestyles people want will never transpire without
higher risk projects. I believe that hardnosed pragmatism needs to be
tempered with an acknowledgment of what people want from their lives.
If people want development, and they do, the higher risk ventures are
needed. Many projects like OLPC’s and Farmer’s will fail, but sometimes
they will succeed, and when they do, they will do more to advance
people’s quality of life than appropriate technology ever could."<br><br>Thanks Jesse!<br><br><br><br>Cheers,<br>~mafe <br><span class="status-body"><span class="entry-content"><br></span></span>