All,<br><br>For those that wanted to follow along with the forum with
RSS, you're in luck. RSS and Atom feeds are now provided for the whole
site and per category, forum and thread. A bulk of posts go to the
General Quesitons forum[1] of course, and I encourage you to help
answer questions that you see come up.<br>
<br>Go check out the forum: <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br><br>[1] <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
<geek talk><br>I've
done something I maybe should have started with: I went ahead and
checked in the website to Git, the version control software that track
changes in many of OLPC's projects. This will let volunteers provide
"patches" to install a mod they would like to see on the site. Applying
phpBB's security updates will be done in 1 place, and all OLPC forums
can update at once (the English forum, any future language forums along
and even the test server we run)<br>
<br>Oh, and we're putting mod_security and hardened-php on the forum
server, as extra layers of security. This will not change anything for
the user, it is some of the behind the scenes precautions we're taking
for the site.<br>
</geek talk><br clear="all"><font color="#888888">
<br>-- <br>Michael Burns * Student<br>Open Source {Education} Lab