[olpc-help] Sticky keyboard keys; Please RMA the laptops

Anonymous community-support at lists.laptop.org
Wed Jan 23 17:57:09 EST 2008

I got mine on Dec 20th.  My keyboard started going a few weeks ago but it didnt get bad enough to look into it more until now.  The behavior I see is that the control key sometimes gets stuck.  The "a" key almost always turns on the control key, sometimes in a stuck manner but usually just for the "a" key itself (transmitting control-a).  The other keys nearby don't seem to have this problem.  If I hit "a" repeatedly I get almost 100% control-a's.  If I alternately hit control and "a" about half of the "a"s come out as "a" and the other half as "control-a".  I verified this behavior in sugar (shell), at the console (control-alt-f2) and at the bios boot prompt.  This hints at a hardware problem since its unlikely the openfirmware keyboard driver is related to the one used in linux.

I'm past RMA date.  What can I do?  I guess next step is to open it up and try to reseat the green keypad and see if that helps at all....  
Are there any plans to allow parts purchases?  Can I buy a replacement keyboard?


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