[olpc-help] community-support Digest, Vol 9, Issue 12
bharat bafna
bharatbafna at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 30 13:22:56 EDT 2008
Sub : Support of Microsoft Programe Sofeware
I have found this product very good but there should be also a support option of microsoft windows sofeware supporting this product if the product support which is the windows programe of microsoft accepting as where there r no trainer to teach the present program the product is lying ideal like a garbage
--- On Sat, 8/30/08, community-support-request at lists.laptop.org <community-support-request at lists.laptop.org> wrote:
> From: community-support-request at lists.laptop.org <community-support-request at lists.laptop.org>
> Subject: community-support Digest, Vol 9, Issue 12
> To: community-support at lists.laptop.org
> Date: Saturday, August 30, 2008, 9:30 PM
> Send community-support mailing list submissions to
> community-support at lists.laptop.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/community-support
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body
> 'help' to
> community-support-request at lists.laptop.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> community-support-owner at lists.laptop.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more
> specific
> than "Re: Contents of community-support
> digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> Panel/Talks/Discussion
> Sunday Sept 7, 4PM EDT (Conf Call) (Holt)
> 2. B2-1 bricked? (Jerome Gotangco)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2008 13:35:33 -0400
> From: Holt <holt at laptop.org>
> Subject: [olpc-help] REPAIR & SPARE PARTS SUCCESSES:
> Panel/Talks/Discussion Sunday Sept 7, 4PM EDT (Conf Call)
> To: repair at lists.laptop.org, OLPC Community Support
> <community-support at lists.laptop.org>
> Message-ID: <48B83365.4040201 at laptop.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Topic: How to Run a Successful Repair or Parts Service
> (and survive the Give1Get1 Masses!)
> Guest Speakers:
> Ian Daniher of OLPCinci Repair Center
> (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPCinci)
> Diane Serley of http://XOexplosion.com and OLPC
> Boston
> (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Boston)
> Ian & Diane are 2 of our genuine heroes, who MADE
> Give1Get1 Repair
> happen this summer -- and a genuine Parts Supply Chain too
> more recently.
> Come hear their presentations, and learn about their
> successes!
> Possible Questions:
> * How can I help a similar community business grow, as
> Give1Get1
> relaunches internationally later this fall?
> * What talents are most needed to run either kind of
> enterprise?
> * What minimum commitment do I need to offer, to offer a
> reliable
> service that truly help others?
> CONTACT "holt AT laptop.org" if you or anybody
> worldwide wants to
> participate in this conference call.
> Capacity may be limited by our phone bank, please register
> early!
> Meeting Agenda/Minutes should be posted here, if volunteers
> help:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Support_meetings
> Thanks!
> --Holt
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Sat, 30 Aug 2008 14:15:09 +0800
> From: "Jerome Gotangco"
> <jgotangco at gmail.com>
> Subject: [olpc-help] B2-1 bricked?
> To: community-support at lists.laptop.org
> Message-ID:
> <c138e6150808292315l42294c14n358b500b70391c1f at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> Hi all,
> I was testing a B2-1 unit from friend for evaluation when I
> told him I
> think I can upgrade the firmware to the same version used
> in the mass
> production units. After reading the notes, I upgraded it
> with
> q2d03.rom using the flash u:\q2d03.rom command and it
> went fine and
> rebooted to the Sugar UI without any problems. When I
> rebooted it and
> accessed the system, it booted to the USB. This is where
> the problem
> started.
> Before I upgraded the firmware, I added q2d03.rom, fs.zip
> and
> os711.img in the USB and rebooted. When the new firmware
> took over, it
> promptly started the upgrade process without confirming so
> I couldn't
> stop it less I end up with a non functioning unit. When the
> image
> finished installing and rebooted by itself, the screen
> became blank
> with a loud hissing noise from the speakers. Doing a hard
> restart
> won't budge either as I only get a blank screen and the
> power and
> battery LEDs continue to light up. The funny thing is that
> when its
> turned off, the speakers emit a loud hiss and I have to
> pull out the
> battery to turn it off.
> A peer suggested to do a blind test-all in the hardware but
> that
> didn't work at all and I'm worried that I've
> erased the nand to the
> point that the unit doest see anything to boot up but at
> the same time
> I'm wondering why the display is not showing at all.
> Also as this is a B2-1 unit, I'm aware that its
> basically beta
> hardware (I do not have access to a production unit). I
> wanted to
> check first to the list if this is something that can still
> be
> remedied without opening up the hardware. While the B2-1 is
> not the
> ideal unit to evaluate for a project, it helped me convince
> some
> potential partners to seriously look into it for the near
> future.
> --
> Jerome
> ------------------------------
> _______________________________________________
> community-support mailing list
> community-support at lists.laptop.org
> http://lists.laptop.org/listinfo/community-support
> End of community-support Digest, Vol 9, Issue 12
> ************************************************
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