[olpc-help] OLPC update loses icons

Brian Dolezal brian.j.dolezal at gmail.com
Sun Aug 24 07:20:05 EDT 2008

Help!  My G1G1 upgrade from 650 to 708 and 711 lost most of my icons.  I had
two and half screens of icons.  Now I have eight.  I cannot browse or use
the terminal.

I do not see this issue addressed in the troubleshooting forums.

Can I even add more activity icons?  I think not, at least not from the
command line or browser!  (No icons)

Sure, I was enthusiastically demonstrating the abundance of icons during the
update, but should that affect it?

====>>>>> PS I somehow found out that newer updates [upgrades?, terminology
not clear] do not include activities, thus most icons disappear!  The OLPC
plan is to download activities separately.  Without a USB stick, I used
Bert's method and my icons reappeared.
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