[Community-news] iGoogle promotion -- spread the word

Jim Gettys jg at laptop.org
Wed Dec 10 13:49:22 EST 2008


We are really excited about a new opportunity from Google to help spread
the G1G1 word! 

If you go onto the Google home page and click on Add an iGoogle theme
for your favorite cause, you can choose OLPC as your theme.  Please
promote this with people in your respective communities.  The more users
we have, the higher we will appear in the category ranking. 

You can use either of the following links: 

To add the theme directly: 

To take users to your theme detail page where they can then add it: 

This is a great opportunity for us to publicize OLPC and to increase the
number of people participating in Give One Get One.  Please spread the
word as widely as possible. 



Matt Keller
One Laptop per Child
Cambridge, Massachusetts
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