[Code-review] [PATCH] Detect, log, and work around errors that occur during module preloading.

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at tomeuvizoso.net
Tue Apr 29 12:12:49 EDT 2008


+        # Are we never going to want to launch python activities
attached to other
+        # displays? <MS>
+        os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':0'

I think this comment should go in inject.py instead, there's where the
connection to X is reopened.

+        imports = ('dbus.service',
+                   'dbus.decorators',
+                   'telepathy',
+                   'sugar.activity.activity',
+                   'sugar.activity.activityservice',
+                   'sugar.graphics.style',
+                   'sugar.graphics.window',
+                   'rainbow.sugaractivity',
+                  )

Some of those modules will import gtk, making the gtk-specific block moot.

I have some ideas that may free us from this horrible hack, let's
discuss it in devel.



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