#12903 NORM ubuntu-: rtl8723be connection stability low
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Tue Jun 16 02:54:18 EDT 2015
#12903: rtl8723be connection stability low
Reporter: Quozl | Owner: Quozl
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: ubuntu-
Component: kernel | sugar-15.1
Keywords: | Version: Development
Blocking: | build as of this date
Action Needed: communicate | Blocked By:
| Deployments affected:
| Verified: 0
Connection via wireless experiences long periods of packet loss. Known
driver problem upstream. Workaround is:
echo options rtl8723be ips=0 fwlps=0 > /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be.conf
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/12903>
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