#12517 LOW Not Tri: OFW text-formatted battery status may indicate "charging cooling" (contradictory) at the same time

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Thu Jan 31 21:59:54 EST 2013

#12517: OFW text-formatted battery status may indicate "charging cooling"
(contradictory) at the same time
 Reporter:  greenfeld            |                 Owner:  rsmith                           
     Type:  defect               |                Status:  new                              
 Priority:  low                  |             Milestone:  Not Triaged                      
Component:  embedded controller  |               Version:  Development build as of this date
 Keywords:                       |           Next_action:  diagnose                         
 Verified:  0                    |   Deployment_affected:                                   
Blockedby:                       |              Blocking:                                   
 A XO4 with Q7B14/EC 0.3.10 on it was watched while charging a NiMH battery
 from near-flat status.  The battery got hot (~42C) so cooling was likely;
 but OFW said that the battery was doing both "charging cooling" at the
 same time.

 In reality, the voltage & current readings indicated charging, and there
 was no slow flash I recall of the charging LED.

 This was true with both the "watch-battery" or "test /battery" commands,
 which I believe provide the same output.

 If an OFW battery status is seen again with "charging cooling" in it, the
 following command should be run and the result noted to see if this is an
 EC problem or an OFW one:

 ok 70 ec-cmd-w@ .

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/12517>
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