#11959 NORM Not Tri: Remove debug/spurious messages from XO-1.75 video driver
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Tue Jun 19 13:25:45 EDT 2012
#11959: Remove debug/spurious messages from XO-1.75 video driver
Reporter: greenfeld | Owner: jnettlet
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Not Triaged
Component: x window system | Version: Development build as of this date
Keywords: | Next_action: diagnose
Verified: 0 | Deployment_affected:
Blockedby: | Blocking:
1. Install 12.1.0 os15
2. When the welcome screen appears, switch to a Linux text console.
Every ten seconds you will see dozens of paired messages like these
Jan 8 03:41:51 xo-6d-68-b4 kernel: [ 335.093824] [GC_ERR_RETURN ]
gckOS_MapUserMemory at 5425: status=-16
Jan 8 03:41:51 xo-6d-68-b4 kernel: [ 335.106353] [GC_gcmkONERROR ]
gckKERNEL_Dispatch(773): status=-16
Jon says these are known MMAP errors; if they are known, we shouldn't fill
up the console/logs with them.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/11959>
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