#12029 NORM Not Tri: "About my Computer" displays version of sugar that doesn't match the installed rpm

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Fri Jul 27 04:30:00 EDT 2012

#12029: "About my Computer" displays version of sugar that doesn't match the
installed rpm
 Reporter:  jvonau        |                 Owner:                                   
     Type:  enhancement   |                Status:  new                              
 Priority:  normal        |             Milestone:  Not Triaged                      
Component:  not assigned  |               Version:  Development build as of this date
 Keywords:                |           Next_action:  never set                        
 Verified:  0             |   Deployment_affected:                                   
Blockedby:                |              Blocking:                                   
 With 12.1.0-18 installed when you view "About my Computer" sugar: 0.96-2
 is displayed while the installed rpm is sugar-0.96.3-1. Think the
 installed rpm version should be displayed, or the rpm should of been be
 labelled sugar-0.96.2-2 to keep things in sync. I know this will match
 once jarabe/config.py catches up, and it's now too late to fix right now.
 Think in the future all OLPC released sugar rpms should start at -2 and
 increment from that point till the next release of sugar from upstream, to
 differ from what is available from fedora's repos as 0.96.3-1 is now
 available from fedora but without OLPC's patches to remove updater and

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/12029>
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