#12401 NORM 13.1.0: Request inclusion of Clock-12 into 13.1.0
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Sun Dec 16 13:48:25 EST 2012
#12401: Request inclusion of Clock-12 into 13.1.0
Reporter: garycmartin | Owner: dsd
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: 13.1.0
Component: not assigned | Version: not specified
Keywords: | Next_action: never set
Verified: 0 | Deployment_affected:
Blockedby: | Blocking:
Request inclusion of released Clock-12 into 13.1.0
This is a release of Clock-12 to fix #4079 (broken speech) for landing in
the 13.1.0 release (thanks go to Humitos for the patch).
It's been tested on two XO-4s, and an XO-1.75 running 13.1.0 build 18,
also tested with the long distant 802 release (Sugar 0.82.1) on an XO-1.
Tested both English and Spanish spoken time translations.
== Source ==
== Bundle ==
== News ==
- Includes latest translations from pootle
- Fix for 'Clock does not speak in pre-release 13.1.0' #4079
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/12401>
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