#11429 BLOC Not Tri: XO-1.75 stalls while suspending

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Nov 9 14:20:40 EST 2011

#11429: XO-1.75 stalls while suspending
 Reporter:  wad               |                 Owner:  jnettlet     
     Type:  defect            |                Status:  new          
 Priority:  blocker           |             Milestone:  Not Triaged  
Component:  x window system   |               Version:  not specified
 Keywords:  XO-1.75, suspend  |           Next_action:  diagnose     
 Verified:  0                 |   Deployment_affected:               
Blockedby:                    |              Blocking:               
 On XO-1.75 laptops (B1/C1), running latest OFW (Q4C03ma) and OS883 w.
 modified kernels (such as zImage12, or martin's
 kernel-3.0.0_xo1.75-20111107.1918.olpc.4fbb7db.armv7l), the laptop
 occasionally fails to suspend.   It remains on, screen lit, power LED lit,
 until the user accidentally touches the touchpad (or input buttons).
 Once the user touches the buttons, the laptop immediately suspends.   It
 does not wake up by the long-past rtc alarm, but wakes for keyboard
 events.   It then suspend/resumes regularly at then.

 This happens when the suspend/resume is started over the serial console,
 with X running on the display.   If suspend/resume is run in an VT, this
 does not happen.

 In the attached log, toward the bottom, you can see where there is a 3000
 second gap between "ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready" and
 "Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.01 seconds) done.".   This
 happens again right at the end of the file.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/11429>
One Laptop Per Child <http://laptop.org/>
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