#10549 NORM 11.2.0-: Disabling the "Radio" in Sugar disables ability to use any networking adapter

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Thu Jan 20 14:57:04 EST 2011

#10549: Disabling the "Radio" in Sugar disables ability to use any networking
           Reporter:  greenfeld  |       Owner:  erikos                            
               Type:  defect     |      Status:  new                               
           Priority:  normal     |   Milestone:  11.2.0-M3                         
          Component:  sugar      |     Version:  Development source as of this date
         Resolution:             |    Keywords:                                    
        Next_action:  diagnose   |    Verified:  0                                 
Deployment_affected:             |   Blockedby:                                    
           Blocking:             |  

Comment(by mikus):

 There are two considerations to be balanced:  (1) Most of the OLPC users
 will be computer-illiterate pupils.  The fewer controls they need to
 manage, the more friendly their OLPC experience;  (2) Some of the OLPC
 environments (e.g., 500 pupils in one building) may need special setup.
 For the technicians involved, the more controls they have available, the
 more friendly their OLPC experience.

 If consideration (1) is more important, then the described behavior of
 "Radio Off" is not a defect.

 The usual set of communication interfaces that an OLPC might use is:[[BR]]
  (A) "Radio" (wireless) connected to an Access Point[[BR]]
  (B) "Radio" (wireless) connected to an Ad-Hoc network[[BR]]
  (C) "Mesh" (wireless) [implemented as in 2008][[BR]]
  (D) Wired network (through external adapter)[[BR]]
  (E) Wireless network (through external adapter)

 To prevent use of (A) (after disconnecting):  Click on 'My Settings' ->
 'Network' -> "Discard Network History".  If the "Discard Network"
 capability gets properly implemented, interface (A) will not be used again
 unless an Access Point icon gets clicked in Neighborhood View,  [I don't
 have a school server to test with -- "Register" as well might be setting
 up a persistent connection.]

 To prevent use of (B) (after disconnecting):  Gconf setting
 /desktop/sugar/network/adhoc needs to be set false.  [Not something
 expected to be known by computer-illiterate users.]

 To prevent use of (C) (after disconnecting):  Zero needs to be emitted to
 /sys/class/net/eth0/lbs_mesh.  [Not something expected to be known by
 computer-illiterate users.]

 To prevent use of (D) or (E) (after disconnecting):  Unplug the external

 It is possible that in some builds there may exist additional "caches" (to
 remember interface states) which the above-listed procedures do not reset.
 Also, there may be interactions between the states of the individual
 interfaces.  [For instance, I would expect a proper implementation of
 "Radio Off" to disable all internal wireless interfaces (A and B and C),]

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10549#comment:2>
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