#10607 NORM Not Tri: Phantom duplicate shared Write actiivity with XS/Gabble used

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Fri Jan 14 16:47:15 EST 2011

#10607: Phantom duplicate shared Write actiivity with XS/Gabble used
 Reporter:  greenfeld         |                 Owner:  Collabora                        
     Type:  defect            |                Status:  new                              
 Priority:  normal            |             Milestone:  Not Triaged                      
Component:  telepathy-gabble  |               Version:  Development build as of this date
 Keywords:                    |           Next_action:  diagnose                         
 Verified:  0                 |   Deployment_affected:                                   
Blockedby:                    |              Blocking:                                   
 I registered ~14 laptops (mixed XO-1 and -1.5) to a schoolserver, and
 started testing activity sharing with Write.

 The first time I got all 14 starting to work, until I shared an image and
 caused the XO-1 leading the sharing (started first) to crash the Write
 activity.  The suspicion is that this XO-1 ran out of memory due to a
 known Sugar memory leak.

 So I closed sharing the Write activity on all the XOs, rebooted the one
 with fork() memory errors in shell.log, and used another XO-1 to start
 sharing another instance of Write with a different shared document name.
 I only got three systems sharing successfully before the next two seemed
 not to picked up on the shared data (just text).  I then closed Write in
 those two, and noticed that the new shared document name appeared twice on
 many XOs.

 Joining the correct one on an XO resulted in seeing the document; joining
 the incorrect one resulted in seeing nothing.  Joining the incorrect one
 also logged in presenceservice.log a message that the channel did not
 exist and that perhaps the gabble server was broken.

 Interestingly enough, new users joining the application successfully were
 often grouped around the incorrect document, while existing users as well
 as the user that started the sharing were grouped around the correct
 instance.  Some laptops only saw one instance of the document with no
 users attached to it, so user tracking (which works better with an
 XS/gabble) also was not working too well.

 Chances are several bugs are in play.  Filed as a ticket so we can test
 this sort of scenario with the new network stack in F14.

 Tested in 10.1.3 os860.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10607>
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