#10602 NORM 10.1.3: Icons corrupted after using the activity updater

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Thu Jan 13 01:49:26 EST 2011

#10602: Icons corrupted after using the activity updater
           Reporter:  erikos    |       Owner:  erikos                           
               Type:  defect    |      Status:  new                              
           Priority:  normal    |   Milestone:  10.1.3                           
          Component:  sugar     |     Version:  Development build as of this date
         Resolution:            |    Keywords:                                   
        Next_action:  diagnose  |    Verified:  0                                
Deployment_affected:            |   Blockedby:                                   
           Blocking:            |  

Comment(by erikos):

 Replying to [comment:1 greenfeld]:
 > When you say "click in the interface" where did you click?  I'm trying
 to reproduce this.
 > I've seen a few non-reproducible cases where closing the Sugar control
 panel will not automatically paint a second of the Activity icons
 underneath it, but moving the mouse where the icons were causes them to
 appear, and no permanent issue occurs.

 The issue is, that I can't really say what clicking triggered it, or if it
 was triggered by the clicking at all. After updating the activities
 successfully I checked the update URL and then when I wanted to close the
 CP section the close button was gone. As well the icons in the frame etc
 were gone (gone as in, not painted but one could reveal the action).

 Workaround was, to restart Sugar - then everything is like it was before.

 As I said, I have seen it two times - but did a few times the same
 workflow, without seeing it.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10602#comment:2>
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