#10553 NORM 10.1.3: Calculate activity shipping in build 359 is still way out of date

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Fri Dec 17 07:52:00 EST 2010

#10553: Calculate activity shipping in build 359 is still way out of date
           Reporter:  garycmartin   |       Owner:  erikos       
               Type:  defect        |      Status:  new          
           Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:  10.1.3       
          Component:  sugar         |     Version:  not specified
         Resolution:                |    Keywords:               
        Next_action:  add to build  |    Verified:  0            
Deployment_affected:                |   Blockedby:               
           Blocking:  10517         |  
Changes (by erikos):

  * next_action:  never set => add to build
  * type:  task => defect
  * milestone:  10.1.4 => 10.1.3


 I have updated the wiki page. Sam, Gonzalo and myself did test Calculate
 and Gary reports it working as well. Let's include it.

 Please verify then in the upcoming 360.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/10553#comment:2>
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