#9586 LOW Not Tri: q3a15 kills keyboard/touchpad on old touchpads

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Mon Nov 2 11:50:11 EST 2009

#9586: q3a15 kills keyboard/touchpad on old touchpads
 Reporter:  wad                  |                 Owner:  rsmith       
     Type:  defect               |                Status:  new          
 Priority:  low                  |             Milestone:  Not Triaged  
Component:  embedded controller  |               Version:  not specified
 Keywords:                       |           Next_action:  never set    
 Verified:  0                    |   Deployment_affected:               
Blockedby:                       |              Blocking:               
 This is a very low priority bug, as no XO-1.5s will be built with the old
 (resistive/capacitive combo) touchpad.   Some might see such a keyboard
 after repair in-country, but we can list this as a known

 q3a15 (and q3a15a) did not fix the "lost keyboard/touchpad" problem on
 laptops with the old touchpad.   If anything, they made it worse.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/9586>
One Laptop Per Child <http://laptop.org/>
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