#9537 BLOC 1.5-sof: Test OFW security on XO-1.5

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Tue Dec 15 13:01:31 EST 2009

#9537: Test OFW security on XO-1.5
           Reporter:  wmb at firmworks.com    |       Owner:  wmb at firmworks.com   
               Type:  task                 |      Status:  closed              
           Priority:  blocker              |   Milestone:  1.5-software-final  
          Component:  ofw - open firmware  |     Version:  Development firmware
         Resolution:  fixed                |    Keywords:                      
        Next_action:  test in build        |    Verified:  0                   
Deployment_affected:                       |   Blockedby:  9396, 9870, 9875    
           Blocking:  9858                 |  

Comment(by dsd):

 * generate t1 key and install into mfg data on test laptop
 * install a lease on test laptop
 * setup oatslite (it has documentation and a sample config)
 * generate a better lease (i.e. one that expires later), put it in
 oatslite's lease directory
 * list your OATS server in /security/oats-server on the XO
 * run olpc-update-query -v -v --force
 * confirm that newer lease has been installed and system can still secure-

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/9537#comment:17>
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