#9852 HIGH 1.5-sof: Sugar is missing translations for ad-hoc network support
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Fri Dec 11 08:02:24 EST 2009
#9852: Sugar is missing translations for ad-hoc network support
Reporter: sayamindu | Owner: dsd
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: 1.5-software-final
Component: sugar | Version: Development build as of this date
Resolution: | Keywords:
Next_action: package | Verified: 0
Deployment_affected: | Blockedby:
Blocking: |
Comment(by sayamindu):
Replying to [comment:3 dsd]:
> distcheck is broken by this commit, please fix and then ask again :)
Pushed the fix. Apparently some duplicate strings had crept in.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/9852#comment:4>
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