#9059 NORM Not Tri: 2569 (NM 0.7) nm-tool incorrectly reports state: disconnected

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Sun Nov 30 22:17:57 EST 2008

#9059: 2569 (NM 0.7) nm-tool incorrectly reports state: disconnected
 Reporter:  mikus         |                 Owner:                                   
     Type:  defect        |                Status:  new                              
 Priority:  normal        |             Milestone:  Not Triaged                      
Component:  not assigned  |               Version:  Development build as of this date
 Keywords:                |           Next_action:  never set                        
 Verified:  0             |   Deployment_affected:                                   
Blockedby:                |              Blocking:                                   
 G1G1.  No wireless.  When I boot, the XO does not set up a connection to
 my IPv4 ethernet (that is ticket #9056).  So I manually ifconfig eth0 to
 an IPv4 address - now my internet connection works correctly (note:  that
 path uses a proxy).  But when I run 'nm-tool', it lists my status as

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/9059>
One Laptop Per Child <http://laptop.org/>
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