#8901 HIGH Not Tri: Kernel/EC loose keyboard data when running in Synaptics protocol mode
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Tue Nov 4 13:35:48 EST 2008
#8901: Kernel/EC loose keyboard data when running in Synaptics protocol mode
Reporter: dilinger | Owner: rsmith
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: Not Triaged
Component: embedded controller | Version: not specified
Resolution: | Keywords:
Next_action: diagnose | Verified: 0
Deployment_affected: | Blockedby:
Blocking: 8894 |
Comment(by pgf):
i think maybe we need to figure out the extreme sensitivity/jumpiness in
this mode, and tune it down. in particular, the pad is way oversensitive
-- mine is ghosting reliably (responding when my finger isn't yet on the
pad), and spewing data with constant, unmoving pressure on the pad. (it
doesn't do that when synaptics support is not enabled.)
i'm seeing missing key up events at the EC level using EC debug. i'd like
to be comparing apples and apples though -- this is like comparing faucets
and fire hydrants.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/8901#comment:16>
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