#3732 HIGH Update.: arp and NDP timeouts on Linux are bizzarely short.
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed May 28 14:47:54 EDT 2008
#3732: arp and NDP timeouts on Linux are bizzarely short.
Reporter: wad | Owner: cjb
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: Update.2
Component: kernel | Version:
Resolution: | Keywords:
Verified: 0 | Blocking:
Blockedby: 6993 |
Changes (by gnu):
* blockedby: => 6993
The new firmware in #6993 adds the wake-on-signature feature that's
mentioned in the comment above. This could be used by our driver,
initscripts, and network manager to permit wake-on-incoming-ARP. I don't
believe that we have all of that infrastructure set up to use the new
feature, though.
Doing that would fix this "autosuspended laptop doesn't wake on incoming
ARP packets" bug, once and for all.
I believe it's mostly a driver issue; whenever an IPv4 address is added to
the interface, it needs to be added to the wake-on-signature table so that
we'll wake when an ARP for that address comes in. (Note that we can have
several IPv4 addresses at the same time on the same interface.) When an
IPv4 address is removed, we'd remove the entry from the wake-on-signature
Then during suspend, the kernel would have to know whether we are doing an
automatic suspend (for power management, invisibly to the user) or a
manual suspend (because the user told us to turn off). A manual suspend
should not wake when packets come in (any packets). An automatic suspend
should wake when packets come in (any packets for us, including ARP,
multicast that we're listening for, or unicast addressed to us).
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3732#comment:18>
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