#6624 BLOC Never A: ejabberd requires internet connection for collaboration to work

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Sat Mar 1 18:48:01 EST 2008

#6624: ejabberd requires internet connection for collaboration to work
  Reporter:  wad               |       Owner:  Collabora             
      Type:  defect            |      Status:  new                   
  Priority:  blocker           |   Milestone:  Never Assigned        
 Component:  presence-service  |     Version:                        
Resolution:                    |    Keywords:  schoolserver, ejabberd
  Verified:  0                 |    Blocking:                        
 Blockedby:                    |  

Comment(by wad):

 Does ejabberd do any checks to make sure that a resolved address is
 routable ?  The IP address returned to it by the local DNS server will
 always be the address assigned to the primary server in a
 school.   Could this be triggering a further search for a routable version
 of the address ?

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6624#comment:1>
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