#7371 NORM Never A: Sometimes the leftmost columns of pixels turns black in the console

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Fri Jun 27 16:55:43 EDT 2008

#7371: Sometimes the leftmost columns of pixels turns black in the console
 Reporter:  bemasc  |         Owner:  dilinger                         
     Type:  defect  |        Status:  new                              
 Priority:  normal  |     Milestone:  Never Assigned                   
Component:  kernel  |       Version:  Development build as of this date
 Keywords:          |   Next_action:  diagnose                         
 Verified:  0       |     Blockedby:                                   
 Blocking:          |  
 Sometimes, when I'm looking at the virtual terminal, typing innocuous
 things that the bash prompt, the leftmost two or three columns of pixels
 will turn black.  Sometimes the black stripe covers the whole height of
 the screen; other times it's only a few rows.  If I hit enter, the problem
 seems to go away.

 I'd seen this behavior months ago, and I thought it was fixed, but now I'm
 seeing it again under Joyride 2074, with the 2.6.25 kernel and F9 base.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7371>
One Laptop Per Child <http://laptop.org/>
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