#7596 NORM -: where hovering on an icon produces a palette, implement 'right-click' in palette
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Mon Jul 21 20:12:23 EDT 2008
#7596: where hovering on an icon produces a palette, implement 'right-click' in
Reporter: mikus | Owner: Eben
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone:
Component: interface-design | Version: Development build as of this date
Keywords: | Next_action: never set
Verified: 0 | Blockedby:
Blocking: |
In a discussion on devel, Eben wrote: "Of note, you can now (almost
everywhere...soon truly everywhere...) right-click on a button/object to
instantly reveal it's full palette".
One aim of this ticket is to ensure that this design gets implemented.
[But there is more !]
In today's Journal, if there is an icon for a removable storage device,
LEFT clicking on that icon will show the content of that device. Clicking
in that icon's palette can unmount that device. Those are two very
different outcomes.
What I am proposing is to add RIGHT click capability to the entries of
__every__ palette. Somebody who is not concerned about "where to click"
can continue to use the left click as before. But somebody who knows he
wants to avoid what "clicking on the icon" would do, can now *restrict*
himself to only using RIGHT click in a specific situation.
The right click would would do something only *within* the palette, but
within the icon would only ask that the palette be shown.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7596>
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