#6132 NORM Never A: Subversion server on dev.laptop.org is not working well.

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Mon Jan 21 18:51:17 EST 2008

#6132: Subversion server on dev.laptop.org is not working well.
  Reporter:  Takashi         |       Owner:  krstic        
      Type:  defect          |      Status:  closed        
  Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:  Never Assigned
 Component:  infrastructure  |     Version:                
Resolution:  fixed           |    Keywords:                
  Verified:  0               |    Blocking:                
 Blockedby:                  |  

Comment(by Takashi):

 Thank you for the quick response.
 Now everything works fine!

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6132#comment:2>
One Laptop Per Child <http://dev.laptop.org>
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