#5861 NORM Never A: Enable to preload translations into image

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Sat Jan 5 12:04:06 EST 2008

#5861: Enable to preload translations into image
  Reporter:  korakurider     |       Owner:  etoys                            
      Type:  enhancement     |      Status:  new                              
  Priority:  normal          |   Milestone:  Never Assigned                   
 Component:  etoys-activity  |     Version:  Development build as of this date
Resolution:                  |    Keywords:                                   
  Verified:  0               |    Blocking:                                   
 Blockedby:                  |  

Comment(by korakurider):

 I attached proposed enhancement PreloadMO-KR.

 How to test it:
 1) prepare base image for test

   + apply the change set

   + switch to some language (that have to have installed MOs)

   + confirm GetTextTranslator is used for the language
     by "NaturalLanguageTranslator translators inspect"

   + save image

 2) test external MOs is used

   + restart etoys

   + check if strings are properly translated

   + check if GetTextTranslator is used

 3) test preloaded MOs is correctly used if preference is set

   + Preferences enable: #usePreloadedTranslations

   + save image

   + move MOs to other locations so thant etoys can't lookup them

   + restart etoys

   + check if strings are properly translated

   + check if GetTextTranslator is used

 4) test preloaded MOs is ignored if preference isn't set

   + Preferences disable: #usePreloadedTranslations

   + save image

   + move MOs to other locations so thant etoys can't lookup them

   + restart etoys

   + check if InternalTranslator is used

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/5861#comment:1>
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