#6488 NORM Never A: "keep"ing a read session throws an error; need a way to bookmark

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Sat Feb 16 03:48:46 EST 2008

#6488: "keep"ing a read session throws an error; need a way to bookmark
 Reporter:  sj             |       Owner:  rwh           
     Type:  defect         |      Status:  new           
 Priority:  normal         |   Milestone:  Never Assigned
Component:  read-activity  |     Version:                
 Keywords:                 |    Verified:  0             
 Blocking:                 |   Blockedby:                
 keeping a read session throws an error.  this should ideally provide
 something like a bookmark for a book; at least a journal entry that can be
 resumed at that page.  In this case, the journal entry in question should
 pull out and display (in the journal's metadata) the page at which it was

 Reported by dpbsmith.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6488>
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