#7637 BLOC 8.2.0 (: Date & Time panel not actually changing timezone
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Tue Aug 12 14:27:23 EDT 2008
#7637: Date & Time panel not actually changing timezone
Reporter: Charlie | Owner: Charlie
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: blocker | Milestone: 8.2.0 (was Update.2)
Component: sugar | Version: not specified
Resolution: | Keywords: blocks:8.2.0 date time clock timezone control panel
Next_action: code | Verified: 0
Blockedby: | Blocking:
Changes (by erikos):
* next_action: never set => code
* component: control panel => sugar
What is the component 'control panel' ? This is a sugar bug. And it did
not came to my attention because the component was not assigned before :(
I know what the issue is and will fix it.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/7637#comment:6>
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