#6901 HIGH Never A: '1's or '2's get appended to filenames on frequent modified and stored projects
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Thu Apr 17 10:18:12 EDT 2008
#6901: '1's or '2's get appended to filenames on frequent modified and stored
Reporter: uwe4711 | Owner: bert
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: Never Assigned
Component: etoys-activity | Version:
Keywords: EToys, storing, projects, | Verified: 0
Blocking: | Blockedby:
Up to now, I recognized it only in EToys 3.8-05 #556 (from Squeakland):
Developing EToy-projects over a long time, being not generally able to
'undo' the last step ('undo' for the last
action is rarely available), I often store intermediate steps not
modifying the etoy.image, but storing the project either via world-menu or
via 'Navigator-flap/PUBLISH IT!'.
As versioning is used, Squeak automatically numbers a project starting
with 001, e.g. Bug.001.pr. On the next saving (whether the project was
modified or not) the version number increases to 002 resulting in a name
Bug.002.pr. On occurance of the bug most of the times the filename is
extended with a '1' (sometimes with a '2') immediately before the first
dot (.) in the filename: Bug1.003.pr
May be, you have to first append a number manually, to get the bug
At least you have to modify the project a bit, between saving it.
I couldn't reproduce it, simply saving an unmodified project many times!
I'm quite sure, you can reproduce it in OLPC-version of EToys but don't
have time to do it know. One more hint: I recognized that
it may have to do with filenames that already exists,
because I'm developing EToy projects at my work, carrying them to
home, develope them further, back to work.... So I often saw the error
message 'WARNING...There are newer version(s) in the local directory...'.
This was complete nonsense, because I knew I had loaded a newer one
(recently developed at home).
Here is a sample filename: 'Organigrap1111212112.061.pr'.
The file's size is 202KB.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/6901>
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