#3953 NORM Opportu: Create sugar-jhbuild file cache to insulate first-time installation from server outages.

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Sat Sep 29 20:36:17 EDT 2007

#3953: Create sugar-jhbuild file cache to insulate first-time installation from
server outages.
 Reporter:  MitchellNCharity  |       Owner:  djbclark                  
     Type:  enhancement       |      Status:  new                       
 Priority:  normal            |   Milestone:  Opportunity (please help!)
Component:  infrastructure    |     Version:                            
 Keywords:                    |    Verified:  0                         
 Successfully installing sugar for the first time, using sugar-jhbuild,
 depends on a number of file servers being available.  They sometimes are

 It is not clear how large a problem this is, as we are not testing sugar-
 jhbuild #3952.

 The results from when we briefly were testing it, and occasional messages
 to #sugar, very fuzzily suggest we may be having significant down time
 (>10%), and occasional multi-day outages.

 Once people get started, they can weather download and build failures.
 But being blocked from getting started tends to discourage potential

 An extension of this concept would be to provide a snapshot set of files
 which actually all build.

 Testing is needed.

 I reminded neuralis of this long-standing issue in passing, and he
 suggested this ticket.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3953>
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