#3803 HIGH Untriag: TamTam Jam keys don't take into account the Keyboard Layout

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Tue Sep 25 15:03:00 EDT 2007

#3803: TamTam Jam keys don't take into account the Keyboard Layout
 Reporter:  AlexL            |       Owner:  Nat      
     Type:  defect           |      Status:  new      
 Priority:  high             |   Milestone:  Untriaged
Component:  tamtam-activity  |     Version:           
 Keywords:                   |    Verified:  0        
 Build 603 Q2C27

 TamTam Jam allows the user to assign keys to the different instruments.
 However, some of the keys that are used are not the same on other keyboard
 layouts. A short-term solution to this would be to use the number keys
 0-9, since they are the same on most keyboard layouts. However, for the
 long-term, TamTam Jam needs to look at the "XkbLayout" and "XkbVariant"
 variables and change the keys accordingly.

Ticket URL: <https://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3803>
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