#3355 HIGH Update.: Wireless shutdown on Laptop Lid Close

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Oct 31 00:09:05 EDT 2007

#3355: Wireless shutdown on Laptop Lid Close
  Reporter:  kimquirk             |       Owner:  cjb      
      Type:  defect               |      Status:  new      
  Priority:  high                 |   Milestone:  Update.1 
 Component:  power manager (OHM)  |     Version:           
Resolution:                       |    Keywords:  update.1?
  Verified:  0                    |  
Changes (by carrano):

  * owner:  carrano => cjb


 Confirming that beacons can indeed be turned off in 623.

 {{{iwpriv eth0 bcn_control 0}}}

 It's also possible to change beacon interval

 {{{iwpriv ethX bcn_control 1 $INTERVAL}}}

 $INTERVAL in ms (20 to 1000)

Ticket URL: <https://dev.laptop.org/ticket/3355#comment:7>
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