#1700 NORM Untriag: Use Pango for pygame.font

Zarro Boogs per Child bugtracker at laptop.org
Wed Jun 13 17:52:47 EDT 2007

#1700: Use Pango for pygame.font
 Reporter:  lincolnquirk  |       Owner:  lincolnquirk
     Type:  task          |      Status:  new         
 Priority:  normal        |   Milestone:  Untriaged   
Component:  games         |     Version:              
 Keywords:  pygame        |    Verified:  0           
 Pygame can currently only draw fonts using the SDL font renderer; use
 Pango for flexibility and internationalization. This might be through
 Cairo or through SDL/Pango.

Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/1700>
One Laptop Per Child <http://laptop.org/>

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