#5786 NORM Update.: update libertas firmware
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Mon Dec 31 14:34:39 EST 2007
#5786: update libertas firmware
Reporter: dgilmore | Owner: ApprovalForUpdate
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Update.1
Component: distro | Version:
Keywords: | Verified: 0
Blocking: | Blockedby:
we would like to update the wireless firmware for update 1 to build
Changelog follows. It is on its way into joyride for testing there.
Wireless firmware release 5.110.20.p49
Fix for #5194:
In some cases firmware fails to return association
(command code 0x50) response back to the driver
locking up command task.
New feature: Send probe response only in ad-hoc mode with max 2 probe
per probe request.
Fix for #5194:
The following symptom has been fixed.
1. iwlist ethX scan returned no result
2. iwconfig returned normally
3. Both LEDs off
4. iwpriv mshX fwt_time returned bad address.
There was a problem in association state machine causing
command task to go
into busy state --returning busy to all the commands.
The command execution is serialized within firmware, and
certain command
execution involves multiple tasks within firmware. The
moment that the management
task, which handles association, posted results to
command task, before
finishing current execution, the command task started
another command execution,
while management task was still busy with previous
command resulting
association state machine into bad state.
Fix for #5461:
Do not return busy (0x4) command response to host for
internal commands such as
mesh auto start enable.
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/5786>
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