#5664 HIGH Update.: Copying formatted text out of Browse causes weird behavior.
Zarro Boogs per Child
bugtracker at laptop.org
Mon Dec 24 21:17:43 EST 2007
#5664: Copying formatted text out of Browse causes weird behavior.
Reporter: legutierr | Owner: erikos
Type: defect | Status: new
Priority: high | Milestone: Update.1
Component: browse-activity | Version: Build 650
Resolution: | Keywords:
Verified: 0 | Blocking:
Blockedby: |
Comment(by legutierr):
First, a correction. Above, I write that calling "cat -A
''<datastorefilename>'' >> tmp.txt", and then opening tmp.txt in Browse
prints something that it in fact does not. Instead, calling "echo 'test:
' >> tmp.txt; cat ''<datastorefilename>'' >> tmp.txt" will produce the
following result:
Regarding this being a dup[licate, #2005 does seem to point to this issue,
but it looks like it was closed without resolution 3 months ago. I assume
that the freeze on the g1g1 shipment was well after that. Otherwise, from
scanning Browse's closed and active bugs, I don't see anything similar to
Ticket URL: <http://dev.laptop.org/ticket/5664#comment:2>
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